Leadership Coaching

A scientific reasearch cites that over 75% of individuals who receive leadership or executive coaching benefited from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication skills.

They also reported that a huge 88% of companies feel that they recouped the investment they made into coaching plus more on top.

Leadesrhip Coaching by Bernard G


We at Bernard Consulting offer individualized leadership development for high-potential employees who are very new to managing others or to groom talent those with some future leadership potential and an asset for their organisation.


Our middle manager coaching programs are targeted on developing the skills these high-potential employees need to become more effective as they lead your organization from the middle. This is less spoken in the coaching industry.


Leading from the top executives comes with a different set of demands, and how your executives handle these challenges can have a swift and defining impact on your company's success. This will improve your business goals.


Our prestigious, CEO and Business Owner's leadership programs make sure your high-potential leaders are harnessing their full potential to lead their business units, departments and propel your company's vision and strategy forward.

To meet your training needs, we coach at your premises, at our offices or virtually. We are committed to the highest ethical standards and outline these in our confidentiality agreement before we start. We hold two things paramount your wellbeing and your development as a leader.

Gain the conscious leadership tools from Bernard to deliver meaningful results for you and for your organisation, with a deep self-awareness at the core of every decision making. Expect to be forced. Expect to be disrupted. Expect to step into your humble power with clarity; this time as the strategic-thinking and deeply conscious world-class leader you need to be.

Digital Transformation Consultant Bernard

That’s what I help Leaders and Executives as your Coach

As our Coaching practice for Leaders, we provide a safe space for senior leaders to overcome challenges and explore possibilities from a place of deep self-awareness. Leadership coaching helps you to start asking the right questions and create a path that feels aligned and true to your authentic self, whilst providing maximum benefit to your team and your organisation. At Bernard Coaching, we designed our coaching practice with the unique challenges faced by Internationally acclaimed, top-tier management consulting, IT, engineering and finance professionals in mind. Our coaching model promotes conscious leadership as the way forward for cutting-edge-leaders in leading-edge organizations.

We beleive in One to one, face to face coaching sessions. We involve a number of journey points in order to directly address the needs and issues in your organisation’s specific context and ensure you achieve your stated objectives and outcomes.

Are you a Senior Executive looking to take yourself and your business or your organisation to new heights? Then this coaching is specially designed for people like you, who want to challenge themselves, really get to the core of who they are as leaders and develop the behaviours that will take their business or organisations to whole new levels of success.

We at Bernard Consulting leverage the proven strengths of our world-class coaching style, outstanding training design, and our top-notch faculty to create high-impact, human-centered leadership development sessions. You can even join one of our world-class leadership programs live online, and learn from our leadership coaches as you connect with your peers and grow as a leader — and as a person.

Our coaching modules comprises six to eighteen coaching sessions with the first session being complementary. This session helps the coach and you to understand each other and define the expected outcome from the engagement.

Bernard, who is a Senior Business Leader is very passionate about people and has the gift to create a safe environment where his clients can be themselves and explore unconventional ways forward to exceed expectations and see the results they want to see in their life faster.
Bernard who is also a Certified Mental Health and Psychology Specialist believes that all answers and our true potential lies within.

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